Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Valentine Fail

I dropped the ball for Valentine’s Day. 

I had all these plans for homemade valentines for Teegan’s class, tons of fun valentines crafts, and creative valentine’s treats.

Then a last minute vacation to the Gulf Shore took precedence.

So Teegan picked out Minion valentines cards and suckers. He wrote his name on all 20 of them and taped the sucker to them all by himself. (no pics, another mom fail) 

No treat was made. However, I did purchase cupcake mix and frosting….(yet to be made.)

We did get around to making a small craft.

We cut out a heart shape on an 8x11 card stock, dipped a pencil eraser in red paint and dotted around the heart.

Often times I have these great intentions of being my idea of "super" mom and often fall short.

But at the end of the day it isn’t about all the glam and the hoopla. Teegan was just as content with a simple craft. He enjoyed picking out his own valentines, and he will be excited to make cupcakes on another day. 

On the upside the vacation I had was much needed. The relaxation was exactly what I needed to recharge.

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