Monday, January 19, 2015

Cabin Fever

Here in Indiana the below freezing temperatures and negative wind chills make it hard and dangerous to take the kiddos outside for any length of time. My little guy goes a little stir crazy when he’s been cooped up for days.
He’s bored of his toys, doesn’t want to color, and we’ve watched Frozen a 101 times...

Here are some fun indoor activities we do to beat the winter blues:

Indoor “Ice” Skating
What you need:

~Rubber bands
~Wax paper

*Super slippery but super fun!

Make “ingredients”
*Warning this can be messy!*
You can bake brownies, cupcakes, or cookies together!!
Yeah right!! If you know me and my house, you know I never bake, nor do I have baking supplies on hand. So, I let Teegan make “ingredients”.

What you need:
~ big bowl
~ wooden spoon or spatula
~ measuring spoons/cups
~ ingredients…any and every kind. (spices, flour, eggs, food coloring)

It’s not edible, unless your kid is a genius and America’s next Iron Chef. But its fun! Teegan likes to pretend he’s a chef and make and mix it all around.

Bring the Outdoors Inside

Make Snow Ice Cream

Play with the Snow Inside!
What you need:
~ Tote filled with snow

Teegan always wants to play in the snow and sometimes its just too stinkin cold to go out there. So I fill up a shallow tote with snow bring it inside and let him play! He likes to build mini snow men, play with some of his toys in it, and he loves to play with his sand toys in it! Best part is, if he gets some snow on the table or floor, its just water!


Cut Out Snow Flakes
What you need:

You remember how to make snow flakes?! If not click the link below to learn how. And if your little one is too young for scissors click the link to print out your own snow flakes to decorate! 

We cut out snow flakes and embellished them with glitter!

Make Snow Paint
What you need:
~Shaving cream
~White School Glue
~Iridescent glitter or buffalo snow

*Put the shaving cream and glue in the refrigerator to start. I left ours in there overnight. The next day let the glue sit out for about ten minutes so it flows out better.
*Mix equal parts of shaving cream and glue 
(I did 1/3 cup of each and it was plenty!)
*Add glitter (less is not more in this case, we went glitter crazy!)

Once it’s dry it will be puffy to the touch! So fun! So many possibilities with snow paint!

One thing I love about these indoor activities is for the most part I always have everything on hand!

What are some activities you and your kids do while cooped up inside?!

1 comment:

  1. I love that Teegan loves to make ingredients. A GREAT memory for me with you girls. :)
