Wednesday, February 4, 2015

The 5 Love Languages of Children

Communicating with people is hard. Communicating with a 4 year old (or kids in general) can be even harder. I want my son to know I love him, and I want to be able to communicate that love in a way he understands. So, I started reading The 5 Love Languages of Children, by Gary Chapman and Ross Campbell which was recommended to me by my boss.

The five love languages are:

*Physical Touch
*Words of Affirmation
*Receiving Gifts
*Acts of service
*Quality Time
Each chapter in the book explains the love language and why it is important. I essentially guessed Teegan's language to be words of affirmation. My main love language is words of affirmation. This is probably why I thought Teegan's was the same. I am constantly telling him what a good boy he is, and how helpful he is, and thank you for being a goodboy etc. Those are things essentially I want to hear.  (Treat others how you want to be treated)

The book explains that it is hard to determine the love language of a child under 5 and states that a child will benefit from receiving all of the love languages. But either way, I was curious to know where Teegan stands right now. So I took the quiz at the end of the book and asked Teegan the questions.

His score was:

*Physical Touch – 3
*Words of Affirmation – 3
*Receiving Gifts - 7
*Acts of Service – 0
*Quality Time – 7 

I know Teegan loves hearing words of affirmation, but to truly speak his love language would be for me to spend time with him, playing with him, doing crafts with him, reading with him, anything one on one. Also he likes receiving gifts. (What kid doesn't) This is where the Good Job Jar comes into play. He gets a prize once he gets 20 buttons.

At the end of each of the chapter in the book it gives ideas and examples of ways to spend quality time with your kid, or ways to give gifts, or speak words of affirmation to your children…
There is also a chapter in the book for speaking love languages and marriage, and speaking love languages in single – parent families. 

I highly recommend this book. Not only can it be helpful for speaking the love language of your child, but also you can use the same principals in your daily relationships at work, your friends, and your partner.



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