Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Co Sleeping?

To co sleep or not to co sleep, that is the question?
There is so much controversy on co sleeping and not co sleeping.
I have been adamant about not co sleeping. I have doted on myself that Teegan even as an infant has always slept in his crib and never in bed with me. As soon as he turned two he went straight into a twin size bed. I prided myself on our bedtime routine and how awesome he was at adapting to the big boy bed and I never had a problem.

Until now… 

Starting last year his imagination got the best of him and he was scared of monsters and whatever else his little brain could think up. So he would get up a couple times a night and get in my bed. I stayed strong and always sent him back to his room reassuring him that everything was fine.
Then eventually I made him “monster spray to keep the monsters away”. And before he would get in bed he would spray. That worked until he outgrew his monster phase and went straight into the, I don’t want to be alone phase.
He’d come into my room several times a night trying to sneak into my bed. I stayed consistent and would put him back in bed.
That lasted about a month and then nothing. Hurray! I thought he was over it until about 4 months ago he started creeping into my room again.

I caved.... It was so much easier to let him get in bed with me so that we could both get some sleep.  He always starts off in his room, but just like clockwork around 3am he gets in bed with me.
Here are the reasons he comes up with on why he gets up and wants to get in bed with me.
“I don’t want to be alone”
“I had to go potty” (then just wound up in your bed)
“I just want to give you a huggy and kissy”
“Its not fair to sleep alone”
“You’re my favorite person in the whole world”
I think he wakes up for whatever reason and then just tries to get away with it, because I have let him.
People decide to co sleep for two reasons, lifestyle choice and they want the extra bonding and the closeness, or they are like me and want sleep and want to do what’s easy.
So I did some research on the co sleeping vs. not co sleeping. (to make sure my choice wasn’t going to affect my kid in the long run) There are a lot of pros and cons, and really just boils down to personal preference and different styles of parenting. To each is there own.

However, I have decided that I WANT MY BED BACK!
Now recently (the last 2 weeks) I’ve had to break my kid of this habit. I feel like I have tried everything.

* I put a radio in his room which actually worked for awhile and helped him fall asleep and stay asleep.
*I make the dog sleep in his room so he isn’t alone and feels protected.
*We pray every night at bedtime and pray for good dreams and angels to protect us in our sleep, incase he has fears.
*Every light is on. The hall light, the bathroom light, and now he is requesting the closet light be on. He also has a fish tank in his room with a light in it.
*He has a cross that sits on his night stand so he has a visual of our prayers to help ease his fears and sleep better.
*Giving him a prize or a button for the good job jar the next day if he stays in bed all night.
Some of this works sometimes….but not all the time. I find him still trying to sneak in my room and now instead of sleeping in my bed he crashes next to me on the floor. I think consistency is key and that is what I'm trying to do!

So for all you parents out there struggling with the same thing, hang in there and be consistent. You’re not alone!
If you’re like me and want your bed back click the link for some great tips.

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