So 2018 started our journey and quest to be more natural, going chemical free, and being more green. I know for us and having a million bad habits, not being very eco friendly and using tons of house hold products that are full of chemicals, this would be hard.
I've been wanting to do this for quite some time and I'veslowly made a few changes over the last few years. I stopped using dryer sheets and now use free and clear detergents, stopped using paper plates, use plant based/chemical free makeup, use home made soaps, and eat organic/ hormone free meat.
Several of my friends use essential oils and would talk about them and try to get me to buy them and I just didn't see the point. But after seeing some things my friend Jen posted about using essential oils in her daily life and just being genuine and not "in your face" about it, not being part of a trend, made me want to try them out. When my whole family was sick, she dropped off a roller of thieves for us to use. I was so grateful for that gesture! At that moment I thought, yup I need this. I need this next step. That was just in February. So I started diffusing some oils and making a few of my own products and just being more aware of what we put in and on our bodies that are toxic. I down loaded the app think dirty to see how awful the products I was using really were. (Seriously download the app you will be shocked! Also, did you know it only takes 26 seconds for your skin to absorb what you put on it?)
Then I watched a video about plastic straws and it said that we use over 500 million straws a day...... hold up, what??!?! Right then and there I thought, nope we're gonna be straw free. (I know I'm moving mountains right?! ) That's a lot of plastic! Thats a lot of wasted material that doesn't get recycled and also winds up in the ocean etc etc.... So then, seconds after I decided my family would be straw free, I decided well, we need to work on being less wasteful in general. I mean we recycle, but I know there are tons of things we can do to have less trash. Because honestly we are pretty trashy! I mean like a tash bag a day almost! So, I looked up going trash free. My family is not quite ready to take that plunge entirely though. That is a huge life style change. But to make small changes now and overtime can really make a difference.
I know this will be a long long journey. We have some pretty bad habits and buy things and do things that we don't even realize how wasteful we are being. I know we won't be perfect and we won't be 100% trash free but I think any step towards bettering ourselves and our environment is good. Big or small.
Our first mission right now is going straw free and getting rid of the plastic Tupperware containers and sandwich baggies and replacing them with reusable sandwhich bags and glass tupperware. Also, we will be not be buying anymore paper napkins or paper towels once what we have runs out.
Its been a long time since I've blogged, 3 years actually, but I think this will be a fun way to show our journey with everyone, without blowing up facebook news feeds, and share some tips and tricks, and hopefully inspire someone else like my friend did for me.
P.S. I know I need to update my blog profile! A lots changed in 3.5 years!